Tell about yourself and your background! *
Born and raised in Washington, DC, the youngest of 5. I come from a musical family where everyone can sing, dance, and or play a musical instrument. When I was younger, I had goals and aspirations to be a singer, songwriter and composer of sorts. I was always a dreamer and lover of the performing arts. While getting my college degree I was training in a passion that would take me around the world, meet amazing people, and make life long friends. As I practice martial arts under Kaizen Karate based in Silver Spring, Maryland that training has aided my decision in becoming a stunt performer and I wouldn't change it for the world.

What inspired you to become a stunt performer?
As a kid watching Power Rangers it only made sense to be my own hero. I love watching Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Michael Jai White, and Wesley Snipes perform on tv. I found myself trying to mimic their moves while daydreaming about the possibilities of me fighting like them or fighting them. Family and friends made it clear early on that I had what it took to be a performer and to go for it. Now, nine years later the journey continues.

What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a stunt behind it?
I find that the answer changes season to season. Fight choreography if my greatest skill, it is telling a story through movement.
What is the best part about being a stunt performer?
The best part is storytelling. Performing in live shows and the reactions from the audience families such as, "did that hurt? You aren't hurt right?" truly confirms that the performance and the realm of disbelief was so real, they forgot they were watching a show.

Tell your all-time favorite stunt story!
I would have to say it was my time in China. I learned to rappel for the show. I love heights and the views they allow you to witness. Here I am 40 ft in the air on a clear day and I can see the mountains near where we are living. At that moment the words, "I'm glad I chose this life." popped into my head. Then, the show began and we rocked the house.
What advice would you give other stunt performers?
Learn as much as you can and grow in your craft and specialty if you chose one. Grow, grow, and grow by continuing to believe in your art.
Anything else you'd like to tell the community about?
You all are dope and inspiring! Looking forward to working, training and creating some movie magic with you all given the opportunity.
Please share your social media handles and how we can follow you!
IG/TikTok @Apollostunts FB: Timothy Apollo
Please include any links to stunt reels or videos you'd like to share!