Stunt Performer Spotlight: Ally Crowley

Featured Interview With Stunt Performer: Ally Crowley


Featured InterviewWith Stunt Performer:

Tell about yourself and your background! *

I grew up on a small island off the coast of South Carolina, my family is Greek and Native American and quite the handful. I was always active as a kid chasing my older siblings around and playing sports. I’ve tried various forms of martial arts starting from the age of five with karate but my favorites being boxing and Jiu Jitsu.

What inspired you to become a stunt performer?

I’ve always been drawn to movies and books and the worlds they create. I believe that representation in those worlds is extremely important. As a kid Wonder Woman was astounding and the fact that she was Greek was insane to me. I also grew up watching the tv show charmed and seeing these strong women who were powerful and intelligent was inspiring. Just recently the first ever deaf female superheroes were introduced into marvel. As someone who is hard of hearing and grew up learning ASL and knowing the challenges it presents it was huge to see these amazing women triumph on the screen and in real life.

What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a stunt behind it?

I feel that my greatest skill is more of a personality trait. I’m always willing to try anything. I hold the belief that life is meant to truly be lived and experienced. That being said there’s almost nothing I wouldn’t try at least once. Which has led to some amazing adventures and my favorite hobbies of free diving, climbing, surfing and cliff jumping.

What is the best part about being a stunt performer?

I’m very new to this industry in general and have worked in several different departments but I can say that so far my favorite part has always been the people I get to meet along the way. Everyone has such unique and phenomenal stories and I love every single one.

Tell your all-time favorite stunt story!

Again I am very new to all of this but my favorite stunt story would probably be the first time I ever actually saw a stunt being performed. I was working on set for Loki the series and I got to see this insane fight scene and afterwards the performers high fived and laughed. The idea of getting to do that every day as a career just clicked as something I would love to do.

What advice would you give other stunt performers?

I have a piece of advice I’ve adapted others. All over the globe I’ve asked for life advice from strangers and more often than not it’s some variation of this: “live life anyways.” Yes, it’s scary and yes, there’s risks and yes, people are going to judge you. So no matter what live life anyway. I believe it’s better to push through fear and follow your dream or have an experience, even if you fail, rather than live your life with any regrets.

Anything else you'd like to tell the community about?

Cheesy as it may sound, chase your dreams and follow your heart but don’t lose sight of the bigger picture and don’t forget to enjoy the way there. We as humans have a tendency to say oh I’ll be happy when I have that job or when I lose that weight. The key is finding that happy along the way.

Please share your social media handles and how we can follow you!

Insta: @allyrcrowley

TikTok: arcinreallife

Facebook: Ally Crowley

Please include any links to stunt reels or videos you'd like to share!